Friday, 22 May 2015

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9 Things You Can Do To Completely Unleash Your Potentials

By: Fanafillit On: 02:57
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  • You may realize it or not, but you were born with great gifts and talents. How do you use them for yourself and the good of others is the story of your life. Will you reach your potentials in this story? Let’s see what you can do to unleash it!

    1. Observe your Feelings

    Let’s face it – you are the only person in the world that knows what you feel. Others may guess, speculate or ask, but they never know for sure. Sometimes you are excited, worried, feel pain and sometimes you are bored to death and want to dissemble this fact. Take responsibility for your feelings and observe when you feel unusually high or low and think why.

    Take a sheet of paper and list last week moments that energized you and depressed you. Every week you can make such list and take one step away from “depressors” towards “energizers”. This will unleash your potentials step by step.

    2. Make Personality Test(s)

    Observing your feelings is a great way to realize your uniqueness and potentials, however there are also many personality tests available that may help you discover your natural gifts and talents. Try Strengthsfinder, Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, or others. The key is to find your strengths, something you can build on effectively.

    3. Listen when People Praise your Talents

    As theologian Frederick Buechner said: ”Your calling is where your passions meet the world’s needs.” When you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses, it is a good moment to ask how you can apply them to the world around you.

    It may be as simple as asking your friends and colleagues to list your five strengths and one weakness. The next key question you have to ask yourself is, how you can grow in these areas even further.

    4. Be Courageous

    When facing death, people usually regret the things they did not do, rather than what they did. Life is full of challenges and fears, but you may ask yourself few questions: Will I regret not doing this when I am old? Will I remember this in 10 years from now? How much it matters for me? Will I be able to look in the mirror if I don’t do this?

    It takes courage to unleash your potentials and without bold moves you may be just spinning in circles.

    5. Set Challenging, but Achievable Goals

    Settings goals is a great way to trigger action and motivate. It sets the direction, next steps, unclutter your mind. Challenging goals stimulate the flow experience that so many people want. As some people say “a life without challenge and risk is not worth living.” The key to unleash potentials is to set stimulating, challenging goals that are achievable and not overwhelming.

    You may write down the goal and read it aloud. If it didn’t move or empower you, you didn’t want to take an action or didn’t know what to do, you need a different goal!

    6. Everyday make a Small Step

    As Lao-Tzu said “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” You may travel from East to West Coast with a car by seeing just a few miles ahead at any specific moment. This is also true to unleash your potentials. Don’t think for too long – discover your strengths and weaknesses, find the world hunger you may feed, set challenging goals for them, but at the end, use every day to make just a small step towards it.

    7. Work on your Habits

    Every day we make hundreds and thousands decisions, but most of them subconsciously. All these small and big decisions sum up to your life. This is why working on habits is so important. You may turn negative patterns into positive, and learn how to be thankful, how to deal with stress, have healthy and inspiring relationships.

    They won’t change overnight, but once formed they will positively impact hundreds of your decisions later on.

    8. Let go of Bitterness

    One of the biggest contributors to not unleashing your potentials is resentment. As Malachy McCourt stated “Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” Do not let others steer your life into negative thinking. Past already happened, future is unsure, so focus on here and now. Don’t let the past define your future.

    9. Be Thankful

    Our sensitivity increases in direct proportion to the positive responses we give to our impressions. If you are thankful, your sensitivity to positive aspects of your life will grow. You will see more opportunities, you will relax, your relationships will flourish.
    You are living the only life you have, I hope you will unleash your potentials completely! I believe if you realize what you have, recognize how you can use it, let go the negative past and build positive habits over the steps you are making every day, you can achieve great things.


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    Have a great day!


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